Friday, February 27, 2009



Obesity is affecting adults and children in the world.
BMI = weight(kg) / height (m2)
BMI of 30 or greater is categorized under obese.
Food consumption in developing and industrialized countries is increasing every year.

Causes of Obesity
1. Overeating
2. Sedentary lifestyle
3. Physiological factor
4. Genetic
5. Smoking
6. Medication and drug
7. Environment factor: fast food, busy lifestyle, video gaming

Problems Associated with Obesity
1. Respiratory problems
2. Heartburn
3. Menstrual irregularity
4. Sleep apnea
5. Depression
6. Cardiovascular diseases
7. Muscle skeletal problems
8. Venous stasis disease
9. Loss of urine control
10. Infertility

Prevention of Obesity
1. Choose healthy food
2. Prevent overeating
3. Reduce alcohol intake
4. Regular exercise
5. Take Balance and variety meal
6. Minimize fat in meal preparation
7. Reduce sugar intake such
8. Maintain healthy body weight
9. Practice good eating habit since childhood
10. Promote breast feeding


  1. i consume a lot of foods everyday but why i so thin still?

  2. Depends on your own metabolic rate. Different people will have different metabolic rate. Maybe your metabloic rate is high and faster. But bear in mind, although you are thin but don't mean you are healthy. We need to consume balanced and variety meals to provide us energy as well as a healthy life and getting away from disease.

    PS: Balanced, variety, low fat and high fiber diet is the best diet to consume. Good for health.

  3. haha i have low metabolic but i eat alot hence i'm obesity nw ... low metabolic even u got a balance diet meal also useless ... well but i try to cut my meal from 3 meal to 2 meal and reduce the size of meal and everyday 3 hrs exercise it help alot to slim down however it is not really a healthy way but it is the only way to naturally slim down ...

  4. hmm may i ask how accurate is BMI calculation for us, asians? Becos I've notice that eventho according to BMI a person may be normal weight, but physically that person appears to be on the 'overweight' side.
    So do we still rely on BMI to determine whether we're overweight or not?

  5. Well, Benjamin. You should not cut off your meals but yes, you may reduce the size of each meal. Breakfast is the most important that we should not skip the breakfast. You can eat a bit full when having breakfast but not for lunch and dinner. Bear in mind, supper is the worst to make us fatter and fatter. So, DO NOT eat supper!! Excerise is a good idea to reduce your weight but you also need a balance and variety diet to support your body.
